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How to Steal Bitcoin?

  Quite recently some hackers have succeeded to steal Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a virtual cryptocurrency. It is a kind of analogue to “cash” on the Internet. Sheep Marketplace was robbed. By results of hackers’ attack, company’s clients suffered damage in the form of Bitcoins, totaling to USD 100 million. We have already accustomed to cases of stealing this virtual cryptocurrency. In 2011 a user Allinvain became a victim of, possibly, the first large-scale Bitcoin stealing of all previously recorded. Since that time there were many robberies.  For example, a victim of a bank card theft can block the card or cancel operations performed by a hacker. However, Bitcoin attracts all kinds of crooks because transactions in this system cannot be cancelled. It is difficult to understand the method of stealing, as well as a lot of other things related to Bitcoin. The question now arises of how to protect your own cryptocurrency?

  Advices on protection from Bitcoin stealing
  An experienced user might consider the following advices as trite recommendations, but they would help most of Bitcoin-holders keep their savings safe with no chance for Bitcoin stealing.
 • You must always use updated versions of your wallets! There are internal encapsulates in Bitcoin version 0.4.0, you must always activate them.
• Try to keep your cryptocurrency on your PC in a currency wallet. Do not use third party’s services or other people’s wallets. If you keep your funds at your own place it is easy to control them while transferring money to somebody’s wallets you entrust it to an outsider who can disappear with your savings. Unfortunately, there are many examples.
• Carry our regular backup (security copy) of your wallet and save it on a USB memory-stick or an external drive ensuring security of your crytocurrency in case of a hard-disk failure.
• Before sending cryptocurrency to a wallet, you need to backup the wallet.
• You should keep all previous versions of backup copies of your cryptocurrency wallet.
• It is not recommended to open your Bitcoin wallet on devices with unstable service or operation.
• You should always update your OS with up-to-date antivirus versions.
• Do not keep all the amount of cryptocurrency in a single place (wallet).
• While working with Bitcoin do not start or install into your system dubious software or follow suspicious links.
• Backups of your wallet must be sent via Internet only in encrypted way.
• Always keep a bright lookout remaining unprovoked by hackers. You have to realize that all protection means are useless if you willingly hand the control over your funds to crooks.
• Do not try for your wallet passwords used somewhere else on the Internet-network.
• Try not to use the simplest passwords like “12345”, asdfg, qwerty, your birth-date, etc. These passwords are easy to be hacked. They cannot provide solid security. It’s better not to use in a password simple words or make passwords short. Do not use the same passwords to several services. It is recommended to use symbols in different cases, figures and special symbols. The last thing, it’s better to cash out Bitcoins via a series of transactions during several months or even years so not to attract attention of those who follow transaction histories.
Do not let hackers who should be behind bars enrich themselves at your charge and steal your Bitcoins.